Convent Primary School,
Newport, Co Tipperary
Our Staff 2022-2023
Junior Infants Mrs. Casey Room 1 and Ms. Donovan Room 2
Senior Infants Mr. Kirwan - covering Ms. Carey Room 6 and Room 7 Ms. Bourke
1st class Ms. Floyd covering for Ms. Foley Room 10 and Mr. Brouder Room 11
2nd class Mrs. McCormack and Mrs. O'Toole (job sharing) Room 12
3rd class Ms. Sadleir Room 15
4th class Ms. Hickey covering for Ms. Keating Room 14
5th Class Mrs. O'Regan Room 3
6th class Mr. O'Brien Room 4
Special Ed
Ms. O'Connor & Mrs. Crawford - job sharing
Mrs. Whelan
Mr. Griffin - shared with Newport Boys N.S and St John's the Baptist Boys School
Mrs. Brennan & Mrs. Goode - job sharing
S.N.As - Ange Patterson and Helen Duggan
Secretary - Debbie Lee
Principal - Mrs Miriam Foley